Update – I haven’t published for a few weeks. I visited with my sister Jane, brother-in-law Allen, cousins and spouses; Carol and Bud, John and Cathy, Ann Marie, Nancy and Dick, Alice, Eddie and Irwin and Linda. Also I’ve had two treatments (missed one last week) and I had my three stents replaced this past Friday. Then, I just haven’t had much energy. I’ve had some extra nerve activity in the area of my liver which makes me a little uncomfortable which makes me just want to sit in the recliner or on the sofa. I also have nerve activity in my back which is what I think is referred to as neuropathy. I have some tingling in my hands (similar to what diabetics experience) and in my back likely caused by the chemotherapy. Lest it sounds like I’m complaining, and as you’ve heard me say before, it could be worse.
Sue and I are leaving tomorrow morning for a six day trip to visit our friends the Corrington’s in College Station which I’ve heard will include an A&M football game. We’re taking a big leap of faith traveling for this long. The trip to Minnesota was shorter and I felt it for a few days after. But, it’s not like I have anything that will interfere with my “recuperation.”
So many of you continue to share your thoughts and prayers and Sue and I really appreciate it. As we said at the beginning of this journey, if we are to beat this, it will be prayer and good medicine. What I’ve used for this blog are some prayers shared by our friend Francine. They are both encouraging and spiritual.
Heavenly Father, I come before You with a solemn heart and in need of your intersession. I pray that the cancer that has come into my life soon fades into a quick remission.
I believe in Your capacity for miracles and ask for this on my behalf.
As we grow older, I know we become closer to the day You accept us back into your kingdom.
I ask that You delay that holy union if it be Your will. In Your name I pray. Amen
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your plan for my life today.
Help me to grow deep roots in my relationship with You.
Cause my thoughts to be Your thoughts
So that I will be strong and established.
Thank You for Your favor and blessing in my life today,
In Jesus’ name. Amen
Don’t just Pray about what seems logical and possible.
Pray Hard about the Impossible and God will show you that
Nothing, nothing is impossible with Him
Ever! Period! End of story!
Pray when you feel like worrying
Give thanks when you feel like complaining
Keep going when you feel like quitting.
Dear God, heal those with cancer. Amen
Heavenly father, may every cancerous cell be cast out and replaced with a good one
May every spot of these deadly cells be wiped out by Your powerful hands. Amen
Heavenly father, we are reaching out to You. Hear our cries.
Lord Jesus, You have stated that where two or three have gathered in Your name,
You are in their midst.
And so with You in our midst, we declare that every broken spirit is healed and restored.
Father God, thank You for healing the broken hearted,
the down-spirited, the weak, the down-trodden.
Dear God I don’t ask You to make my life easier,
but I ask You to give me strength to face all my trouble. Amen
For the roof over my head and a nice bed to sleep in.
There is food on my table and shoes on my feet Your loving touch is everywhere.
Forgive me if I forget my great blessings if I ever start to complain.
Only let me live each day full of praise and thanks immersed in Your grace. Amen